Friday, January 2, 2015


So I'm going vegan this year!

I've wanted to go vegetarian/vegan since I was a teenager and this year is the year. at any moment I may go cold turkey, but so far I am planning a year long elimination process.  Here's the plan:

January: Red Meat (beef & lamb)
February: Candy/white sugar
March: Pork
April: Pop/Soda
May: Chicken
June: Ice cream
July: Turkey
August : Cheese
September: Shellfish
October: Caffeine
November: Fish
December: Eggs

Meanwhile I will be practicing veganism, but I feel like this will make things even easier.  I may even add things in place of the things I take out so it's not only about deprivation.   Like beef out, daily meditation in.  Cheese out, yoga or running in.  Stuff like that.

It's gonna be fun. !  :)

I have always heard that once you make your mind up about something then everything falls into place. Other great ideas and actions arise.  You naturally just go into autopilot toward the life you love.

I want to go vegan for a few reasons:

The environment.  Meat production can be pretty bad for the planet.

Health.  "Let food be thy medicine." -- or something. I don't like cancer or diabetes.  I'm no scientist or doctor.. but a veggie based diet has been shown to have adverse affect on bad things.

Health again.  More energy. Better rest. A nice healthy glow. Strong nails.  Things like that.

Save money.  Everybody knows that a veggie based diet is madd cheap.  Unless you get too into the pre-made and super processed "healthy" foods versus the fresh ones.

I don't plan on being all "my vegan life" and how much I had to do to make myself comfortable around a bunch of meat eaters for Thanksgiving, etc.  But I may post recipes or cool replacement ideas for meals, etc.

Just giving something, I've always wanted to do, a try. Just like sky diving or guitar lessons.

I'm so excited. Nothing better than creating the life you love. Getting your hands dirty. Being healthy. And learning new things along the way.


Here goes nothin'!


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