Monday, October 27, 2014

Dear White People

This past weekend I had Saturday off.  After I was finished with teaching my classes I went to see the movie: Dear White People, at the Harper Court Theater with my mom.

I knew a bit about the film starting maybe a year (perhaps a year.5) ago.

I didn't follow it closely.  I think I just wanted to see it and not get so committed to it that I set myself up to just be too tied to the movement and it be a flop.  Also.. I consider myself to be a black person so I kind of knew the plot and could suspect most of the twists that came up.

So I walk into the theater and this little place, with a seating capacity of 60 or so, began to fill up fast.  It's a small theater in Hyde Park (HP) that has picked up since the University of Chicago renos over in Harpers Court have happened.  We strike up conversation with other guests and wait.  There's an old white couple there (totally NPR listeners--a radio station on which this film got a lot of press), some dudes/bros (total Black fraternity type connection), a lady who loudly admits that she loves to pay for one ticket and then sneak around movie theaters, and the U of C black kids.. maybe Black Student Union or all the engineering majors (I really couldn't tell--but one of the girls was HILARIOUS.  That I know for sure.)

So we sit and wait. 

Remind the manager to start our movie (woops!). 

And just enjoy.  

In the group that came out before us, one of the viewers exclaimed that it wasn't what they expected.  However, I really enjoyed it.  Dear White People touched on so many parts of my life:  White people, black people, institutions, cute white boys that you date, and gay people*. There was enough comedy at th expense of all the characters.  There were handsome people. A message of hope. And a few storylines to follow.  It literally was the perfect indie film.

That kid from the TV show, Everybody Hates Chris, really held it down, too.  He was definitely my favorite character + the white boy that the lead character Sam shares most of her screen-time with.

For the first time in forever, I really recommend a film for everyone to catch.

Dear White People went nationwide on the 24th so should be within 100 Miles of about 3 million people on the internet.  Go out and show support to a great cast, project, and just NOT another Hollywood motion pic from Tinsel Town.  (Sometimes you really just gotta be like that.)

*In no particular order and no show of weight of relevance.



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