Thursday, April 10, 2014

Sideline Insight

So I have pretty much been completely sidelined by a foot injury for almost one month.  I've done a few workouts with some trusted trainers in the city, but other than that I am just turning into a sexy ball of fluff!  haha

In this time, however, I've learned a few things.

I've learned that exercise is necessary.  The science behind movement is nothing compared to the emotional benefit of working that bum!  A good mood, inspiration behind your diet, confidence.. all are heightened when you are active and working toward goals that push you physically or even just mentally to DO the physical part!

I've also learned quite a bit about feedback.  HAHA  From work, to love, feedback is important.  Not being passive aggressive.  Not being a nag.  Not putting someone down.  But real feedback, when you're talking to someone about something they did (no right or wrong) in hopes that it helps them be more effective the next time around.

I got some feedback at work.  First it was tough, but then I looked closer and realized that it was really just a group of people saying:  "Hey, we know you well enough to know that this is unlike you AND that if this is fixed, then the sky is the limit for you."  And I'll tell ya, folks, it took it haaaaaaaaaAAAAAaard!  I was upset.  And confused.  I gave my feedback on the feedback, lol.  (Which I still think is good stuff to take home. lol)  But yeah.. I was just so lost.  Not me.  There's nothing that I need to change and at this point in my life.. there's nothing that I CAN change, right?  I'm just me!

But then it clicked.  AHA! #eureka  Nobody was ganging up on me.  Nobody thought that I was less of a person.  Nobody was asking me to change.  They were just asking me to get better.  Be me .. but BETTER.  Keep it steady.  Keep it real.  And not that I'm not enough.  They want me to know that I'm "all that" and with these tools, I can be the bag of chips, too!

It all came full circle today.  I am spending my birthday with my mom and we stopped by her job for a meeting she has with her boss.  While talking with his secretary, she shared how much vision he had (another learning about leadership) and also how much leadership he tried to cultivate at all times.  In that she talked about how she's had to give feedback.  She said that she HATES the idea of having someone be mad at her, but is she doesn't share then "it doesn't make them grow."  And that's what I now know!

Constructive feedback sucks arse but without it, there is no later.  Why?  Because you'll be living the same story over & over & over again if they let you tell it while using that same simple vocabulary that you know.  You will be building the same doll houses if you stick only with your tacky clue and cardboard and never pick-up a nail gun and some pinewood!  (Is pinewood what people use to build houses?  lol)

So you probably get the point right now.  GROW.  Whether you grow "up", or "out", or "wiser".. that's relative.  JUST GROW and do it NOW!  Let go of your ideals.  They are excellent and have served you, but it's time to apply the loving guidance given by your peers and family (etc.) over the time you've been on this earth.

I'm happy that this all came to me on my birthday 'cause this is a great day to start the rest of my life.  And better. *smile*

I hope this helps you as much as it's helped me!


melissa 2.7

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