Monday, April 22, 2013

Back To Basics

So I created this blog to help inspire myself and others, yet I find that my "energy" is in the purgatory of attitudes.

I don't complain much on here and I'm not supper peppy, and phony; but at the same time, I know that I don't like the way things come off.

I'm not going to change anything on purpose, but I will be more aware of the message I send and the sound of my posts.  If in fact that means that a lot of things change, then so be it!  If anybody knows that life changes when you're a little more aware, it's me.  The fitness experience is probably one of the few that literally permeates all parts of life.  It's a great way to philosophize and metaphorically speak on character, yet at the same time, it's a great way to just talk fitness!

So yeah.  I'm gonna stop posting so much with a "life happened to me" attitude and start posting more about what I did that happened to LIFE!

So yeah.  I'm only a few months deep on this blog, but it all counts and starting now things change for the better.

Hooray for life and health!



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