Monday, April 1, 2013

BETTER HEALTH -- Soldier Field 10

I'm super excited to run the Soldier Field 10 mile race in May! 

I've done a 15k before so this will be my longest race in my history of racing.  How exciting!?  I have to admit that my training is wishy washy, but I'm confident that come race day, I will perform well.

Most of my current training is revolving around the Hal Higdon 15k/10 mile training program.  According to my boss (an AMAZING personal trainer), HH is the program that the CARA (Chicago Area Runner's Association) crew uses to train as well.  I chose the Novice program because last Spring/Summer I was running 3-5 miles at least three days a week, but the Winter really kicked my fitness butt and I didn't want to risk injury 'cause I didn't get much running in on my own.  I'm glad I did because it is really tough for me to get through running just 2-3 miles at this point.

I really look forward to getting back to that physical shape of running a few miles with less need for breaks.  Sometimes I want to beat myself up, but I have to always remember a few things:

1.)  You have to start somewhere.
2.)  If you did it before, you can do it again.
3.)  Even if you did it before, WHO CARES?  Just do it.  Don't always be comparing.
4.)  Trust in the training.  (Word to my "girl" Robyn of the Bridgerunners NYC.)

In no time soon, I'll be at the week where I have to run eight miles and I'll be really weirded out by being successful at completing it.

When I first started my weightloss journey, I had committed to running four races that year and it really had a big impact on my life.  I didn't have that same expectation of myself last year and although I was healthy all year, the focus just wasn't the same.  So, on a "whim" I'm committing to running at least five races this year.  So far, I'm registered for three, but that's why I made it five, one of them is just super fun and not to be taken too seriously, so I'm not gonna try to bust out any PR's that night.

Here are all of the races I am running:

Soldier Field 10 Mile
Esprit De She 10k (Chicago)
Living Social's Glow-In-The-Dark 5k Dance Party

I'm probably going to do the Hot Chocolate 15k again and am tossing up the idea of the marathon.  I'm feeling like I'm more of a half-marathon girl.  If I am, then I will definitely do the Rock N Roll in July. 

For my stretch sessions on my training plan, I am depending on so I can definitely pull off some great classes no matter where I am in the world.

My strength training and cross training have been the most odd workouts for me.  I'm gonna have to really commit to these.  They do this training for a reason and I don't wanna miss out on anything because of my schedule, laziness, or actual need to rest.  I'll probably be doing split days where I do upper body one day and lower on the other.  XT will probably be me doing some tabata sessions in my bedroom.

My main goal is to be serious about my love for running, but keep it fun while I train and compete.  Another goal is to run the entire course of at least two of these races.  Final goal, maintain my outdoor running for as long as possible through the winter.

3 mile run

Hooray for health!  :)



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